Thursday, July 3, 2014

Time for a Miracle -- Novena Day Nine


As a grand finale to this year's Frassati novena, I hope you will enjoy reading the story of Kevin Becker's miracle.  Kevin courageously and, at times, humorously, shared his story last month in front of a large crowd at Curé of Ars Church in Merrick, NY.  It was a powerful and moving testimony which this blog post won't come close to capturing.  But the short version goes like this...

On August 26, 2011, Kevin fell 13 feet off of the roof of his college apartment.  He had been socializing with friends but was not inebriated.  By the sheer grace of God, a friend found him on the ground within about 15 minutes of the fall.  The timing of that and the ability of a surgeon to quickly address the swelling of his brain are two big reasons why Kevin even survived the night.  

Kevin's fall left him in a coma with multiple fractures to his skull -- in fact, every lobe of his brain sustained injuries.  Miraculously, as you can see for yourself in the above video, he was discharged to his home a mere 18 days later.  

While he was in a coma, Kevin's large and loving family rallied to his side both physically and spiritually.  Some began a novena to Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.  One of his cousins had recently been introduced to Pier Giorgio and told a family member, "He needs a miracle to be a saint and so do we!"  A picture of Frassati was brought to Kevin's room.  The next day he awoke and gave the thumbs up signal.  

On the day of his discharge, Kevin began to share with his family about an "angel" who had been with him the whole time he was in the coma.   When Kevin's mother heard the description of the "angel" and what he had done with Kevin during the coma, she found the picture of Pier Giorgio that had been placed in Kevin's room and showed it to him for the first time.  Kevin immediately exclaimed, "That's him!"  

During his public remarks last month, Kevin shared in greater detail the experience he had with the  "angel" -- a handsome, athletic, young man who allowed him to play FIFA and gently encouraged him to be patient until he was well enough to leave.  Kevin explained that he and this angel were in a "man-cave" sort of room throughout the coma period.  When Kevin asked for a name, the angel said, "Giorgio."

On November 11, 2011, a few months after the injury, Kevin had an appointment to review his neuropsychological exam.  Using the MRI and CAT scan of his injuries, the doctor is able to explain brain deficiencies revealed by the exam.  In Kevin's case, there were none to explain. "You are amazing," the doctor told him. "It's unbelievable you suffered this level of injury." She assured him that he was who he was before the accident and that he would never feel the effects of it.  He was restored to 100% functioning and completed his college degree.  According to Kevin's mother, his recovery has been described by doctors as "unique, unheard of, rare, not seen, amazing." 

I prefer to use the word "miracle."  I think Giorgio would, too.  :)

Verso l'alto!

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